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Answers to tough questions : skeptics ask about the Christian faith McDowell, Josh Tyndale House Publishers 1986 EKE07013 1/1
Drogy! : 106 otázek a odpovědí John, Radek, 1954 MEDEA KULTUR [1996?] PTD05052 1/1
Mind the Gap : take the leap Pilmor, Victor General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. British union c2005 ADB02049 1/1
\The\\resurrenction of the Son of God Wright, N. T. (Nicholas Thomas) Fortress Press 2003 NZF00018 1/1
The Term Week in the New Testament : the texts that have never been translated properly Kemmerer, Gerhard Neznámý 2014 NZF00087 0/1