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Biblické úlohy.\\\ 1999/3,\\\ Božie stvorenie Younker, Randall W. Advent-Orion [1998] ADE00035/99/3 1/1
Creation, catastrophe & calvary : why a global flood is vital to the doctrine of atonement Baldwin, John Templeton Review and Herald 2000 STE00040/A
[God's creation : looking at the biblical account : adult Sabbath school Bible study guide] Younker, Randall W. Pacific c1999 ADE00006/99/3 1/1
Offenbarung und ispiration : Biblische Antworten auf knifflige Fragen Dederen, Raoul Frank Holbrook a Leo Van Dolson c2000 STN00042/A
Stvoření z pohledu bible : biblické úkoly 1999 : 3. čtvrtletí Younker, Randall W. Advent-Orion [1999] ADE00001/99/3/A 1/1