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Word studies in the New Testament.\\\ [Vincent] Vincent, M. R. (Marvin R.) Mac Donald [198-?] NZB00030 1/1
Word studies in the New Testament.\\\ Volume III,\\\ The epistles of Paul : Romans, Philippians, Corinthians, Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon Vincent, M. R. (Marvin R.) Hendrickson Publishers [200-?] NZB00010/3 1/1
Word studies in the New Testament.\\\ Volume II,\\\ The writings of John : the gospel, the epistles, the apocalypse Vincent, M. R. (Marvin R.) Hendrickson Publishers [200-?] NZB00010/2 1/1
Word studies in the New Testament.\\\ Volume I,\\\ The synoptic gospels, Acts of the apostles, epistles of Peter, James, and Jude Vincent, M. R. (Marvin R.) Hendrickson Publishers [200-?] NZB00010/1 1/1
Word studies in the New Testament.\\\ Volume IV,\\\ The Thessalonian epistles, The epistle to the Galations, The pastoral epistles, The epistle to the Hebrews Vincent, M. R. (Marvin R.) Hendrickson Publishers [200-?] NZB00010/4 1/1