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Biblické úkoly.\\\ 2005.\\\ 3 [čtvrtletí],\\\ Prožívat Ježíšovu přítomnost Morris, Derek John, 1954- Advent-Orion 2005 ADE00001/05/3 1/1
Biblické úlohy.\\\ 2005/3,\\\ Ježiš Kristus, náš Pán Morris, Derek John, 1954- Advent-Orion [2004] ADE00035/05/3 1/1
Powerful Biblical Preaching : practical pointers from master prachers Morris, Derek John, 1954- General Conference Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists 2005 PTH01086 1/1
The radical prayer Morris, Derek John, 1954- Autumn House c2008 PTA02188 1/1
Radical protection : the cosmic battle between good and evil is real-put on the whole armor of God! Morris, Derek John, 1954- Autumn House c2011 ADC01397 1/1